Division and Uniformat Ads

We are adding a new ad format that appears on all the Division and Uniformat pages. This totals about 64 pages in all. The cost is $1,000 for a month and almost every 4specs user will see the ad.

Here are the first three examples:

Alta Products - While this image is smaller than the home page Featured Product, it is seen by more users. The home page is seen only by people who know 4specs and enter the home page. The Division and Uniformat pages are seen by them plus most of the people sent by Google. This image was downloaded 13,510 times in July compared to the Featured Product for Conspectus which was downloaded 5610 times or 2.4 times. These numbers understate the number of times it was seen as a measure of the downloads of an image without considering any image caching.

Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association

Conspectus Cloud - another example of the Division-Uniformat ad space.

This image is 450 pixels wide and 500 pixels high.