TechWood provides lumber protection treatment solutions to builders, contractors, architects, and engineers through their TechWood 2200, 2200EX. 3300, and 4400 products. Applicable to both residential and commercial construction, the innovative “pressureless” treatments deliver warrantied protection against mold, rot, decay, and termites, and offer Class A fire protection both pre- and post-construction.
Hoover Treated Wood Products
Hoover Treated Wood Products offers lumber and plywood treated with either Pyro-Guard ® interior or Exterior Fire-X® outdoor-exposed fire retardant. Both products are pressure treated and kiln dried under third party monitoring, and bear the Underwriters Laboratories classification mark. Hoover also offers a full line of preservative treatments for commercial, home and FDA applications.
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See also:
09 9640 - Fire-Retardant Coatings - for field-applied coatings
31 3100 - Soil Treatment - for termite treatments to soil
TechWood provides lumber protection treatment solutions to builders, contractors, architects, and engineers through their TechWood 2200, 2200EX. 3300, and 4400 products. Applicable to both residential and commercial construction, the innovative “pressureless” treatments deliver warrantied protection against mold, rot, decay, and termites, and offer Class A fire protection both pre- and post-construction.
Hoover Treated Wood Products
Hoover Treated Wood Products offers lumber and plywood treated with either Pyro-Guard ® interior or Exterior Fire-X® outdoor-exposed fire retardant. Both products are pressure treated and kiln dried under third party monitoring, and bear the Underwriters Laboratories classification mark. Hoover also offers a full line of preservative treatments for commercial, home and FDA applications.