February 2014 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

Finding the human touch in a web-based age

The Construction Specifier Column - [saved pdf]

My favorite takeaway from the column:

"For as long as Baby Boomers make important business decisions, manufacturers willing to invest in face-to-face communication with design professionals will have an advantage over those who do not. Further, those who take the time to understand the needs of specifiers when it comes to information access will more likely see their products specified as the basis of design than their less-accommodating competitors."

And from the comments

"David; as a product rep, I agree with your comments on the return on investment; spec writers are generally good about this, but it's more difficult to get this return from PA's [Project Architects - Colin] that write their own specs, since they only want the info for the current project. I hope that they will take your comments to heart and provide feedback to us when we ask."



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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