May 2015 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

Social Media in Construction and Design

Internet consultants will stress the importance of adding social media to your marketing program - Facebook, Linked In and Twitter. This may be true for consumer-oriented business websites, but not (in my opinion) very important for getting specified on commercial and institutional projects.

I have a personal Facebook account I seldom look at or update and a Linked In account that I primarily use to respond to other people's link requests. Google+ is being changed as they did not make the impact they expected to make and Twitter has just too much noise and not enough information for my tastes.

The 4specs Discussion Forum has several threads on social media that will show the specifier's perspective:

Use of Social Media in Construction - earlier this year (2015)
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2013 - "Why do manufacturers want us to "like" them on Facebook?"
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Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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