July 2015 Newsletter
Selling to Architects
From Mark Mitchell's website - [link no longer available]
Unless You Sell Designer Eyewear, Stop Trying to Sell Architects
[ link no longer available]
My major take-away points:
- Too many building material manufacturers don't take the time to consider the audience at the trade shows they attend. They use the same booth with the same message at a show for architects or builders or contractors. They take a one-size fits all approach, which reduces the effectiveness and their ROI.
- For an architect the message on your booth should be more about, [my emphasis added] let us show you how to solve a problem and less about why our product is better. As they are drawn into your booth and you help them solve a problem, your product will come up in the conversation as a good solution to their problem.
Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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