March 2017 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

BIM is Much More Than Revit!

Does a Download of Your Specs or BIM Objects Mean You Are Specified and Approved?

by Doug Bevill, past-President BimObject, Inc.

Part 2

Also, if you think that a 3-part specification, or BIM model download event from BIMobject®, or other "unnamed" aggregators, or a download from your website means that you are in the specification, you are very misguided. BPM marketing and sales executives, you cannot phone in a specification effort, it requires, new, cutting edge tactics. You need to become a trusted resource to specification influencers and buyers through:

Team Members

Colin's comments: Great article on where to focus your sales and marketing. Consider that each product category will have a different mix of direct and indirect influencers.

Develop a list of all the people, companies and code agencies involved in recommending or approving your products on several projects to develop a product influencer list. Direct your marketing and sales program towards these people.

Other articles in this series:

Part 1 - Do You Have a BIM Strategy

Part 3 - Which File Format is Best?

Part 4 - Manufacturers Interact with Every Member of the Building Team

Feedback, comments and suggestions always appreciated.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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