January 2020 Newsletter
**** The 4specs Perspective
The web design and search articles I read generally focus on:
These articles ignore who makes decisions about products being specified and how products are later evaluated by contractors.
I look at 100's of websites a month as part of the 4specs maintenance. I see specified product websites tending towards glossy-brochure designs and away from useful and easy-to-use design and specification resources. The norm has become a large image on top of the first page with the need to scroll down to see more information. The internal navigation links are not always obvious to me. For some manufacturers I find it difficult to understand what they make and how I can classify their products using the CSI number system.
Durasein [website updated] is an example of a glossy-brochure website I looked at recently. Virtually no technical data - what size sheets are available, thickness options, flame spread, what is available from stock in the United States, etc. The US email and phone contact info was not easily found.
There are many websites like this one. Envision having an architect select this company's products and liking their visuals. The specifier later writing a spec needs to find technical data to support the selection of comparable products for bidding.
In last month's newsletter I asked Does Your Web Designer Understand How to Get Your Products Specified? This is a great question when deciding on a web designer in an interview.
I advocate a "3-ring binder" website - or at least an internal target page (with a simple url) oriented to the specification process with links to all the internal information.
What is a 3-ring binder - I see a 1990's 3-ring binder as containing
Look to incorporate 3-ring binder information into your website.
Questions, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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