May 2020 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

What Will Your New Normal Be?

From an email from an advertiser this week:

It is chaotic – and every day is a NEW Adventure…….

When will things "return to normal." What will a "new normal" look like?

While you must have a plan for your future, this article has an appropriate reminder -

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And this one - No Plan Survives First Contact With Customers

We won't go back to business as usual in a few days. Or weeks. Or months.

The world is going to change forever, and only those who can adapt to change quickly enough will survive and prosper.

After validating your current orders, quotations and material supply chain, contact lost quotes and confirm your material availability on lost quotes.

How will you return to business after rethinking your sales and marketing focused back on your "Getting Specified" strategy? I expect that many larger design firm specifiers will be working remotely. How will you contact them? How will you answer their questions?

Some of my thoughts:

We wish you, your family and staff great health and prosperity.

Questions, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
Contact us