Uniformat II


Note: Uniformat is an alternate means of classifying manufacturer's websites for design information - designed to support BIM, preliminary design stages and estimating. The 4specs usage is adopted from ASTM Uniformat II, modified to better group and classify products.

4specs Manufacturer Contact Search

Search by company name for contact information and website.


Additional Resources on 4specs

Tips on finding Manufacturers on 4specs

Changes in Companies - listing companies with name changes, purchases and companies out of business.

Associations:   A-B   C-E   F-H   I-M   N-O   P-S   T-Z

Government Agencies, Code Bodies and Test Labs


How to Contact 4specs

We appreciate all feedback and comments about the 4specs.com directory. Please email the publisher for feedback and comments, or tell us about a problem or a link that does not work properly.

Manufacturers - here is how to get your website listed and to add 15 words or update your information.

Meet the Publisher.

Here is how to contact us. Please note that 4specs does not sell any of the products listed here. You need to contact the manufacturer for additional information.

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