Featured Products

Promote your products to the 4specs home page user - most likely a full-time architectural specifier as Google does not send people to the home page unless they are searching for 4specs.

No rotation of ads, you will have every 4specs home page user will see your image, description and link. $1,000 for a full month. February = $750 due to short month. December = $500 due to holidays.

Here are several examples:

Here is a comment emailed to me by a full-time specifier I know:

I think having companies featured on the home page is a great idea. I would never have looked at St. Cloud otherwise and I found them to be quite impressive because they were featured in this way. I hope we have a project soon where I can introduce them to the lead designers.

Image has a max width of 700 pixels and the height should be 400 pixels max, similar to the one for ArtForms. If the image is higher than 400 pixels or so, the text may be below the page on some computers. The text and image should fit into the area in the examples. There can be bolded text and multiple links. My goal is for the Featured Product ad to work for you.


Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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